Tuesday, November 9, 2010

attempting the dreaded holiday photo card...

every year it gets harder and harder to capture that elusive picture that I need for our holiday card. this year is especially difficult because I need to photograph my three year old, Desmond (who always seems to have his finger in his nose or the payoff from the picking on his face) AND our "newish" addition, Mia (she's 10 month old).  cut to me now close to 500 pictures in (spread over several trips to the local duck pond, playgrounds and anywhere else I can corral them in) and I don't have ONE picture that I would want to show a stranger. if Mia looks perfect, Desmond looks like he was born cross-eyed with an underbite. if Desmond looks like an angel, Mia looks like a dirty, crying orphan. how do people do this every year? how is it that I've received holiday cards where all the children are smiling in synchronicity? I'm lucky if they look present in a picture. maybe my good friend photoshop can help  me out again this year. last year we were able to get rid of a huge booger plastered under Desmond's nose.

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